Olu spitting over top the incredibly popular Big Bank Hank by The Blue Scholars. This was from a exclusive GoodMusicAllDay.com 420 mixtape today.
The official Cinemetropolis release date is June 14. But everyone who pledged to get the advance digital copy on our kickstarter campaign began receiving the download links on May 15. We’re overwhelmed by the initial feedback and appreciate all the contributions and critiques. If you pledged but have not yet received your link, or if you’re having problems with the download, please send us an email describing the issue.
We’re about to roll out the first wave of video projects beginning with a music video for Fou Lee and the Slick Watts short film premiere. More to come in the summertime, followed by a national tour in the Fall. AND if you’re in Seattle June 17/18, hit up our record release party at Neumos (VIP party on June 15)!
If you got the album, let us and the world know what you think! We read it all.
Friday JUNE 17, 2011 CINEMETROPOLIS Release party SEATTLE, WA JUNE 17 TICKETS | JUNE 18 TICKETS Cinemetropolis drops on June 14 (May 15 if you pledged to get a digital copy early here).
& Saturday JUNE 18, 2011
w/ special guests
Photo Credit: Chase Jarvis
Blue Scholars (photo by Phil Chang)
New York, April 2011
"Big Dank Hank" - Olu ft. The Blue Scholars →
Sabzi Killer Keyboard Solo.
Last night chilled with Sabzi (dj for bluescholars) and Kelsey in the studio. They’re recording some new songs for their group, Made In Heights. If you haven’t checked them out I HIGHLY suggest you do so. They’re definately gonna be makin some waves in the near future. http://madeinheights.bandcamp.com/ Their songs sound like heaven. Simple as that.
Anyways, while Kelsey was writing a new song, I recorded Sabzi going craze on the keyboard. haha his keyboard solos are always nutso. Enjoy!
*Watch in crisssspppyyyy 720p HD!!
*Reblog if you liked it!….and I should’ve been there. boo. but this guyyy. This guy is filthy with the beats and the keys!! shoot.
Artwork Credit: Drew Pocza
2005 Sasquatch! Music Festival - Blue Scholars poster
: Greg Nissen: Blue Scholars - Cinemetropolis Listening Party →
The Blue Scholars hosted a listening party for friends and family to get a first listen of their new album coming out this spring, Cinemetropolis. Geo and Sabzi spoke on the history of the Blue Scholars, dropped some knowledge on the music biz, and some influences for the new album. Here are some…
courtesy of Sabzi
haha old video of my dude Sabzi making some beats!1!! from sampling to the final beat. No MPC’s or nuuuuthhiiin but still making the filthiest of filthy filth beats. haha Also note the sick piano solo at 5:55 and the Tv on the Radio beat at 8:00. Definately one of Seattle’s finest.
Reblog if you think Sabzi makes filthy beats!
Geo of Blue Scholars (@prometheusbrown) at the #Cinemetropolis listening party earlier tonight. Help back the release of the album and keep the artist-fan connection strong. Additionally, you can get the CD before the official release date and win some swag while you’re at it. http://kck.st/hVt6o9
Photo Credit: brendanms
The photo was taken in front of my record store. Brian, the boy’s manager is an old friend of a friend and hooked us up with them for a free show at the shop when they were visiting Maui. Good people.