This video was filmed in Los Angeles on October 15 and 16 during the Southern California leg of the Cinemetropolis tour. We had been talking with our guy Jon Jon Augustavo for over a year about collaborating on a music video sometime before he finishes film school and blows the f up. I had become a fan of his prolific and experimental work with Seattle rappers and impressed with the quick turnaround on his projects that still never seemed rushed when you saw the final product. I like that he refuses to call music videos “visuals.” We thought that Seijun Suzuki, the most “random” of the Cinemetropolis songs, would fit the improvised production style and clean shots of a Jon Jon video. Like a trailer for a movie that doesn’t exist. We bounced around many ideas that all eventually morphed into “let’s wear some suits, get some guns and see what happens.” You ever seen a Seijun Suzuki flick? I swear that’s how he made his films too. But wielding guns around L.A. didn’t seem like a good idea. So we used the homie and tour manager C-Knowledge’s samurai swords instead. Timing was perfect w/ The Physics on this leg of the tour with us, which meant that we could get Thig’s hook cameo and then all rock out at the show afterward. So everybody in L.A., that’s the real reason why we were wearing suits that night and that night only of the entire tour. Enjoy the video.