The Native Hawaiian Student Services (NHSS) is coordinating a community event series next week called “Rise UP! Represent!” which is an epic series of free workshops, performances, film showcases, and talk story sessions featuring nationally renowned hip hop artists Blue Scholars & Bambu! The event is focused on student leadership and developing community organizing skills. We are hoping to bring together a crowd of CC students & UH Manoa students, as well as community members!
Elements will include Free food, DJʻs, music, spoken word, hip hop dance performances, film showcases and community engagement fairs. All workshops will be led by artists and community activists whose projects creatively address issues of youth empowerment, justice, and social change.
Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=174890152570381
Registration Form: https://spreadsheets.googl e.com/spreadsheet/embedded form?formkey=dDZLRmFhY3ZHOXpJR1R3SjVtXzJqVVE6MQ
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Native-Hawaiian-Student-Services/200932096609997
We’ll be presenting workshops at this conference this week at the University of Hawai’i. Big up to the Native Hawaiian Studies dept!